
The International Child Abduction Center offers up-to-date information, advice and guidance to everyone who encounters (the threat of) international child abduction, whether as part of their professional or personal lives.


The European Commission under the Civil Justice Program has granted the application of the International Child Abduction Center, regarding the organisation of the second European project for family lawyers who represent parents in international parental child abduction cases, called LEPCA.


The Center IKO has established a network of specialised law firms in many countries within the European Union. Law firms in Belgium, France, Italy, Spain Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom, and institutions who deal with international parental child abduction in Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Hungary have joined forces to disseminate a questionnaire among law firms in all Member States of the European Union, to organise a conference and to establish a digital platform. More information about the Associate Partners you can find here.


The LEPCA conference was be the first gathering where lawyers who deal with the subject of international parental child abduction meet and confer with each other. The conference lasted three days. During two days the participants could listen, debate and attend seminars. The main objective was to discuss mutual issues and to network. On the third day the aim was to develop a European platform of international parental child abduction lawyers.

"Co-funded by the European Union"
"This publication has been produced with the financial support of the Civil JusticeProgramme of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Centrum Internationale Kinderontvoering and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission."
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